Admission Application
Welcome to East Central! We look forward to having you become a part of our EC family!
Your personal email address will be used to communicate with you during the admissions, orientation, financial aid, and registration process. Please see below on some guidelines for choosing the personal email address to use.Â
Personal Email Address
Confirm Personal Email Address
My Cell Phone NumberNotifications will be texted to number you include here. Â
Term Applying
High School Graduation Year
Choose one.
NOTICE: Non-degree seeking students do not qualify for financial aid.Please be sure to choose the correct type above before proceeding.
Click below to open a new window to view your free career inventory to help you choose a program option.
Which pathway best describes your career interests? The program/concentration chosen may be changed later if you change your mind.
Choose a program option.
Choose a program.
Choose a concentration.
If your planned concentration/major/program of study is not listed above, please provide below. Be sure you answered all questions above in order to see your concentrations options.
Dual Credit
First NamePlease leave out apostrophes in names. Please use Mixed Case when typing your name.
Middle Name
Last Name
Last Name at Birth
Preferred FIRST NameYou may leave this field blank if you prefer to be called by your first name.
GenderPlease choose your gender at birth.
Date of BirthMM/DD/YYYY
Will you be 21 before you begin taking college courses?
SSN OPT OUT: Check the box if you DO NOT wish to disclose your SSN. If you check this box, it means that you understand you will not be eligible for federal or state financial aid and you will not receive a 1098T (annual tuition tax form) without submitting my SSN. Â
 Are you a legal citizen of the United States?
Citizen Of
Tribal Affiliation
Are you or your parent or legal guardian a member of the military?Â
Legal Country
Legal Address
Legal Zip
Legal Address State
Legal Address City
Mailing Address
Mailing Zip
Mailing Address State
Mailing Address City
Parent/Guardian Full Name
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Address
High School State
Last High School
High School City
Other High School Name
Have you taken any college level courses or dual credit courses at any other college other than East Central? If so, you must include all of those colleges below.
College 1
College 1 StateÂ
College 2
College 2 StateÂ
College 3
College 3 StateÂ
College 4
College 4 StateÂ
Would you like to add more colleges or colleges not listed?
College 1 Name
College 1 City
College 1 State
College 2 Name
College 2 City
College 2 State
College 3 Name
College 3 City
College 3 State
Check all that apply.
Check the box next to any organization, activity, or sport that interests you.
By typing your initials and date of birth below, you are agreeing that the information on this form is correct.
Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY)
By checking this box, you agree to receive text messages and emails from East Central regarding emergency alerts, grades, billing statements, and other information related to your account. Notifications will be sent to the cell phone listed on this application and emails will be sent to the personal email address listed on this application.
College 1 Description
Year Term Description
Concentration Code
Program Description
Program Code
Concentration Description
Candidacy Type Description
Date Submitted
High School
Entrance Year
Entrance Term
Term Start
Term End
Pathway Description
Institutional Division Description
Degree Code
Grad Year Description
College 2 Description
College 3 Description
College 4 Description